Friday, July 25, 2008

Tom, Dick and Harry

Have you ever wondered why names are so boring?

Why is every other person you meet a John or a Mike or a Nancy or Lisa?

In 6000 or so years of existence why have we been so consistently boring when it comes to choosing names? What will it take to break the trend....and whos gonna start it?

How about this gentleman from Chicago who went to court to legally change his name to "In God We Trust". The court granted his request. His first name is now "In God" and his last name is "We Trust". I say, "way to go dude....10 points for creativity".

How about George in Sienfeld - he wants to name his baby "Seven". And when one of his friends steals the name, he tries to convince the couple to change the name to something else like "Soda". Nice one, Larry David (now, hows that for a name - it sounds like it has two first names doesnt it. I personally dont care for it. I mean make up your mind dude, are you Larry or are you David.).

Or how about addressing people with the last four of their SSN numbers? "Hey 5678, how goes it?". "Not bad, 6789. How are your kids 8970 and 7890?"

Or we could use the unique identifier from their network account AWEBER, XSTEPHEN etc (I know, its gross.....spoken like a true nerd).

Lets have a bit of fun here....

Sample some fictitious news articles where we rename some prominent personalities....

Sachin Tendulkar:
India once again lost the finals of a major torunament. A lot of expectations were placed on the great batsman Mr. "In Finals, I Fail". The master blaster played a wonderful innings and smashed the ball to all parts of the cricket ground in his score of 3. But to no avail, India still lost.

George Bush:
When asked about global warming, the US President Mr. "If Its Complex, Dont Explain" stated that it is a serious crisis and that, in order to solve the problem, he is ordering an immediate increase in the production of high wattage air conditioners in the US.

Roger Federer:
Commenting on his loss after the thrilling five setter at the 2008 Wimbledon, Mr. "If Its Wimbledon, Please Allow me to Win" felt that Nadal was serving too fast. There should be a rule regarding how fast you are allowed to serve in the finals of a major Grand Slam such as Wimbledon. Coz, you know, its not fair to the slower servers. Especially, with the rain and all.

You get the picture.

But I suppose if you are a new parent you dont want to get too creative. Else, you might end up getting sued by your own kid, a few years down the road.

Just ask the parents of "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii". Yes, those words in quotes constitute the name of a child in New Zealand who is now 9 years old. What an awesome name, right? Very creative and catchy. The kid herself does not seem to agree though. She sued her parents and got the court to legally change her name.

Kids these days...tsk tsk. They seem to think they know it all.

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